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The firm’s first certificate License for rendering legal services Certificate of the firm’s registration

The firm's first certifikate

Lisens for rendering legal

Certificate of the firm's


Regulations of LLC “Law firm “Ardashev and Partners” Certificate of State registration of changes introduced to our constituent documents Certificate of the firm’s registration in the Unified State Register of Incorporated Persons

Regulations of LLC ''LAW firm
''Ardashev and Partners''

Certificate of LLC ''LAW firm
"Ardashev and Partners"
registration in a tax body

Certificate of the firm's
registration in the Unified State
Register of Incorporated

Statistics codes of LLC “Law firm “Ardashev and Partners” Certificate of State registration of changes introduced to our constituent documents Membership card, proving that LLC “Law firm “Ardashev and Partners” is a member of the Urals Trade Chamber

Statistics codes of LLC "LAW
firm "Ardashev and Partners"


Certificate of State registration
of changes introduced to our
constituent documents

Membership card, proving that
LLC "LAW firm a member of the
Urals Trade Chamber

Certificate of the trade mark The firm blank he certificate about participation in a seminar

Certificate of the trade mark

The firm blank

The certificate about
participation in a seminar

Certificate for the third place in the trade marks contest Certificate for the first place in the contest for the suppliers of goods and services for municipal needs Letter of recommendation written by the board of judges at  the contest for the suppliers of goods and services for municipal needs

Certificate for the third place in
the trade marks contest

Certificate for the first place in
the contest for the suppliers of
goods and services for
municipal needs

Letter of recommendation
written dy the doard of judges
of goods and services for
municipal needs

The diploma of the pantres of the Folk project "Shrove - tide" Ñåðòèôèêàò, óäîñòàâåðÿþùèé, ÷òî ÞÔ

The diploma of the pantres of
the Folk projekt "Shrove - tide"

The certificate about paticipation
in the Legal Studies. Ru's seminars