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Foreign Trade Activity

Center of Foreign Trade Activities:
complex support, protection and realization of the external
economic transactions and projects

(It is not exhaustive and has exclusively focusing character)

ATTENTION: the first introductory consultation is free-of-charge

1. Complex analysis and planning of the external economic transactions and projects from the point of view of the international business practice, enterprise risks, the private (conventional) law, the customs, tax and currency law, technology and logistics of foreign trade activities.

2. Choice of optimum contract model and the organization-legal form of interaction with the foreign counterpart and all other subjects, involved in the transaction or the transnational project (Russian companies, CIS, far abroad).
Structurization and business-modelling of transnational complex projects and transactions (supplies support, execution of the order, rendering of services), commodity-financial streams, pricing.

3. Providing beginners and advanced participants of foreign trade activities with advice about all aspects of external economic transactions (conventional law, international and foreign legislation, customs and currency law, taxation); conclusion preparation; evaluation of prospects, economic expediency of transactions and offers of foreign counterparts, audit of risks. Preliminary work: check of the foreign partner, reputation of the company and its goods (works, services).

4. Exclusion of business and projects of the Russian companies to the foreign markets (near and far abroad). Company registration; preparation of necessary infrastructure, information and documentation.

5. Construction of transnational holdings and groups of the companies, registration of foreign firms, including in low-tax jurisdictions; registration of the companies with foreign investments, support and maintenance of their activity, opening of currency accounts, use of non-resident structures with a view of transfer pricing, tax planning and management of actives. Interests protection of the Russian proprietors and their actives (the enterprise, property, actions) by means of tools of the English Law (trusts, confidential possession of actives, etc.).

6. Tax planning of the transaction (also international tax planning), minimization of tax risks, tax and customs payments. Cancellation of double taxation with use of the international agreements. VAT export refund; justification of the VAT zero rate, market prices, tax benefit, conscientiousness of the tax bearer, the business purposes of the transaction, etc. Protection of the tax bearer interests (the exporter and the importer) at carrying out cameral and exit checks. The appeal of activity and dereliction of the tax authority (in court, in higher bodies).

7. Holding negotiations with the foreign counterpart, presentation of the offer and the goods (works, services) of the Russian commercial firms and noncommercial organizations, business correspondence, argument and the coordination of the most favourable contract conditions, translation of documents, information gathering from foreign sources (sites, mass-media, Chamber of Ñommerce, public, expert and consulting structures).

8. Complex formation and preparation of any external economic contracts, (including non-standard contracts) in Russian and English languages: export, import, delivery, leasing, contracts of factorage, agency agreements, successively, civil and erection work, services, investment projects, crediting, license agreement, franchising, etc.

9. Gathering, obtaining, granting of the information and documents (expert, technical, allowing, etc.), which are necessary for realization of the external economic transaction and customs registration of export and import of the goods.

10. Forwarding and logistic programming and support of the transaction. Choice of: transport, parameters of cargo transporting, route, making carriage contract, forwarding, insurance and other consomitant contracts.

11. Customs get-up both of export and import goods. Determination of: Technical characteristics of the goods, customs cost, duty, not tariff measures of the regulation, useful block of documents. Choice of an optimum customs regime, terms of delivery, forwarding component of the transaction. Goods declaring, passage of all necessary procedures of the customs check. Risks avoidance of bringing to account for abuse of customs regulations.
(unit 16 Code of Administrative Violation RF). Protection against an arbitrariness, wrongful acts and dereliction of customs authority.

12. Financial and currency planning and realization of the external economic transaction. Choice of the optimum mechanism and the form of payments. Opening transaction passport in bank, granting information and currency certificates for the purpose of currency exchange regulation. Risks avoidance of bringing to account for currency offense (item 15.25 Code of Administrative Violation RF). Interests protection in Financial Monitoring of Russia.

13. External economic disputes and arbitration. Interests protection of the transactor in case of default on obligations by the foreign counterpart. Claim administration, questions of goods quantity and quality, debts collecting and recovery of damages. Representation of interests in court of justice and in law-enforcement agency.

14. Import or export of goods on behalf of the client and at his expense on flexible financial-legal model with use of our foreign trade companies: acquisition of goods for the client at the foreign supplier and sale of goods to the buyer in Russian territory by agreement of sale and purchase, export or import of the goods by the brokerage contract (the assignment or the commission), etc.