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The firm's first certifikate |
Lisens for rendering legal services |
Certificate of the firm's registrastion
Regulations of LLC ''LAW firm ''Ardashev and Partners'' |
Certificate of LLC ''LAW firm "Ardashev and Partners" registration in a tax body |
Certificate of the firm's registration in the Unified State Register of Incorporated Persons |
Statistics codes of LLC "LAW firm "Ardashev and Partners"
Certificate of State registration of changes introduced to our constituent documents |
Membership card, proving that LLC "LAW firm a member of the Urals Trade Chamber |
Certificate of the trade mark |
The firm blank |
The certificate about participation in a seminar |
Certificate for the third place in the trade marks contest |
Certificate for the first place in the contest for the suppliers of goods and services for municipal needs |
Letter of recommendation written dy the doard of judges of goods and services for municipal needs |
The diploma of the pantres of the Folk projekt "Shrove - tide" |
The certificate about paticipation in the Legal Studies. Ru's seminars |