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Beis Maria
Beis Maria
Leading expert
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I was born on July 28, 1981 in Kurgan, Russia. My father was a military translator and till 5 I lived in Ethiopia, Africa. Since early childhood I started to learn English and when we returned back to Kurgan, I entered the linguistic gymnasium. Being a true Leo in Zodiac, I was a restless and extremely lively child. I finished a musical school, was fond of dancing, tennis and, as far as I remember, tried to paint…
Upon graduation from school with two foreign languages (English and German) in store, I hardly could imagine what should I do in my future life, what to start with. My teachers saw me as a translator, as for me – I wanted to become a psychologist. There was one thing I knew for sure – my future profession would be a work with people.
My parents played a decisive role in choosing my future occupation. We decided that a law education as basic, would be useful in whatever I do in life. So I entered the first course of a law faculty in Kurgan State University. The longer I studied, the more I was interested in legal science. I realized that I had made a right choice. After second course I went to London to practice English and received an EF certificate. After I returned back to my university I understood that the knowledge I received there was not enough for my future work and I transferred to the third course of the Ural State Law Academy in Ekaterinburg – a top level training law school of Russia. My graduate work was “Double citizenship, the expediency of this institute in Russia and the possible consequences of its issuing.” The question of receiving or changing citizenship is very important for thousands of people. But it is not regulated legally. There will be time when I turn to this topic and work on it.
I started to work as a lawyer being a student and I really enjoyed it. After graduating from the Academy I worked in a tax collection inspection, where I got my first judicial experience, but very soon I understood that state service was not for me. My expectations and ambitions go much further.
Then I went to develop my legal skills in a sphere of construction which is now in high demand in the Ural region. At first it was extremely interesting to work in a new area of law and I had perfect conditions – I myself organized my work in a most comfortable way for me. But the competition in this business was too strong for the company to stand it.
Working in a building company, I came to a serious conclusion: a lawyer decides not only law questions but also should be an expert in management, marketing, public relations economics and many other areas. That means – I should always study, improve all my knowledge and grow professionally.
In law firm “Ardashev&Partners” I felt an exciting atmosphere of understanding and co-operation. Here I can work with real professionals who know and passionately love their business.
My profession taught me a lot – and its not only right way of building relations with a counterpart, but also to use necessary information sources and to analyse facts.
Of course I have hobbies – ballroom dancing and argentine tango. For me its not just a skill to move but also to play a role. And not long ago I also started to study Czech language.