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News and facts

25.06.08:  Seminar in Kemerovo: Tax Security - 2008

There was a seminar "Tax Security - 2008. How not to be in danger and to manage risks" in Kemerovo. The Author and Presenter Vladimir Ardashev is.

19.06.08:  The Practical Conference "Financial Management of Risks. Modern Methods and Innovation Decisions"
On the 18th of June the Director of the Centre of Business Dispute Settlements Sergey Palkin took part in the Practical Conference "Financial Management of Risks. Modern Methods and Innovation Decisions".
11.06.08:  PR-department members at the meeting with Victor V. Konteev

PR-department members took part in the discussion meeting, organized by the Deputy Mayor of Yekaterinburg Konteev V. Victor

10.06.08:  Srminar in Tver: Tax Security - 2008

There was a seminar "Tax Security - 2008. How not to be in danger and to manage risks" in Tver. The Author and Presenter Vladimir Ardashev is.

29.05.08:  The Meeting of the Scientific Council of Experts of Tax Cousultants' Chamber

The Governing Partner Vladimir Ardashev took part in the meeting of the Scientific Council of Experts of Tax Consultants' Chamber (May, 27, Moscow)

28.05.08:  31th of May - The Day of The Russian Bar

We congratulate all the Russian Advocates with their professional holiday

26.05.08:  Russian businessmen celebrate their professional holiday for the first time!

Russian businessmen celebrate their professional holiday for the first time

24.05.08:  Juridicial Base Knowledge for Accountants

There was a seminar "Juridicial Base Knowledge for the Accountants" on tne 22-23 of May. The leading specialist of the Foreigh Trade Activity Department Yevgenia Vekhlicheva had a report on the seminar.

22.05.08:  Happy Birthday, Yaroslav!

Partner, head of the firm's tax department, certified tax consultant, Yaroslav Savin has his 32 birthday on the 24th of May. We congratulate him heartily.

19.05.08:  Seminar in Yekaterinburg. Tax Security - 2008

There was a seminar "Tax Security - 2008. How not to be in danger and to manage risks" in the Hotel "Viz'avi" conference-hall in Yekaterinburg. The Author and Presenter Vladimir Ardashev is.


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